Thesis defense
Contact(s) :
Madonna SALIB
madonna.salib [at]
Thesis room n°3, Faculty of Medicine, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

Madonna ATEF BOULOS SALIB will defend her thesis on April 6, 2023, starting at 09H00, in the thesis room n°3 of the Faculty of Medicine (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy).

His defense is entitled "Biomarkers of myocardial fibrosis and arterial stiffness in patients with end-stage renal disease".

The jury will be composed of :

  • Rapporteur - Jérémy BELLIEN - University of Rouen.
  • Rapporteur - Thierry LOBBEDEZ - CHU Côte de Nacre Hospital (Caen).
  • Examiner - Malika SMAIL - University of Lorraine.
  • Examiner - Sophie GIRERD - University of Lorraine.