Soutenance de thèse
Contact(s) :
kevin.bouillet [at]
Amphithéâtre A, Faculté des Sciences du Sport, 30 rue du jardin botanique, Villers-lès-Nancy

Kévin BOUILLET defends his thesis on October 19, from 1:30 pm, in the amphitheatre A of the Faculté des Sciences du Sport (Villers-lès-Nancy).

His defense is entitled "LUE - A multimodal study for modelling human motor performance and health in a Human – Robotics collaborative activity".

The jury will be composed of :

  • Thesis supervisor - Gérome GAUCHARD - Université de Lorraine.
  • Thesis co-director - Sophie LEMONNIER - Université de Lorraine.
  • Examiner - Benoit IUNG - Université de Lorraine.
  • Examiner - Liên WIOLAND - INRS.
  • Rapporteur - Frédérique HINTZY - Savoie Mont Blanc University.
  • Rapporteur - William BERTUCCI - University of Reims Champagne Ardenne.
  • Examiner - Alain BELLI - University of Saint-Etienne