Contact(s) :
Katelyne TURSINI
katelyne.tursini [at]
Plus d'informations :
Amphithéâtre VG7, Faculté des Sciences et Technologies, Campus Aiguillettes, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
Katelyne TURSINI defends her thesis on April 5, 2024, from 2:00 pm, in amphitheatre VG7 of the Faculty of Science and Technology (Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy).
His presentation is entitled "Study of the links between electrophysiological abnormalities and neurocognition in subjects with bipolar disorders".
The jury will be composed of :
- Thesis supervisor - Thomas SCHWITZER - Université de Lorraine.
- Thesis co-director - Valérie LOUIS-DORR - Université de Lorraine.
- Examiner - Stéphanie THEBAULT - Universidad Nacional Automona De Mexico.
- Examiner - Stéphanie CAHAREL - Université de Lorraine.
- Rapporteur - Raoul BELZEAUX - CHU Montpellier.
- Rapporteur - Pierre-Alexis GEOFFROY - Bichat and Beaujon Hospitals.