Contact(s) :
Caroline Fritz
caroline.fritz [at]
Plus d'informations :
Videoconference room, Nancy School of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
Caroline FRITZ will defend her thesis on December 13, 2021, in the videoconference room of the Nancy School of Surgery (Faculty of Medicine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy).
Her defense is entitled "Optimization of circulatory and ventilatory assistance techniques in cardiac arrest. Contribution of an experimental model".
The jury will be composed of :
- Director of the thesis - Bruno LEVY - University of Lorraine.
- Rapporteur - Sophie HAMADA - University of Paris.
- Rapporteur - Florence DUMAS - University of Paris.
- Co-director of the thesis - Antoine KIMMOUN - University of Lorraine.
- Examiner - Renaud TISSIER - National Veterinary School.
- Examiner - Salma EL BATTI - University of Paris.