Thesis defense
Contact(s) :
Amphithéâtre GALLÉ, Présidence - Brabois, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy

Arturo CONSOLI will defend his thesis on December 6, 2022, from 14H00, in the Gallé amphitheater of the Presidency of Brabois, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy.

His defense is entitled "Collateral circulation and leptomeningeal anastomoses in acute ischemic stroke".

The jury will be composed of :

  • Thesis director - Serge BRACARD - University of Lorraine.
  • Rapporteur - Sonia ALAMOWITCH - Paris-Sorbonne University.
  • Co-supervisor - Bailiang CHEN - University of Lorraine.
  • Examiner - Claire BOUTET - University of Saint-Etienne.
  • Examiner - Aymeric ROUCHAUD - University of Limoges. 
  • Examiner - Erwan KERRIEN - University of Lorraine / INRIA Nancy Grand Est & LORIA.
  • Rapporteur - Thomas TOURDIAS - University of Bordeaux.