Contact(s) :
Alexandros PETRELIS
alexandros.petrelis [at] univ-lorraine.fr
Plus d'informations :
Alexandros PETRELIS will defend his thesis on April 29, 2022, by videoconference.
His defense is entitled "Development of risk prediction algorithms for cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer's disease using key biomarkers: Telomere Length and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A".
The jury will be composed of :
- Supervisor - Sofia SIEST - University of Lorraine.
- Rapporteur - Nikolaos DRAKOULIS - National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
- Rapporteur - Belgin SUSLEYICI - Marmara University.
- Examiner - Bertrand RIHN - University of Lorraine.
- Examiner - Maurizio SIMMACO - Sapienza University of Roma.
- Examiner - Marie-Dominique DEVIGNES - CNRS.