Contact(s) :
Alexandre RAOUL
alexandre.raoul [at]
Plus d'informations :
Thesis room 1, Campus Brabois-Santé, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
Alexandre RAOUL will defend his thesis on December 17, 2021, in the thesis room (Campus Brabois-Santé, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy).
His defense is entitled "The role of focal adhesions of vascular smooth muscle cells in arterial stiffness and its interaction with coagulation".
The jury will be composed of :
- Thesis director - Patrick LACOLLEY - University of Lorraine.
- Rapporteur - Philippe NGUYEN - University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne.
- Rapporteur - Nadia JESSEL - University of Strasbourg.
- Thesis co-director - Véronique REGNAULT - University of Lorraine.
- Examiner - Philippe RONDE - University of Strasbourg.