Contact(s) :
Adrien FAYON
adrien.fayon [at]
Plus d'informations :
Bagard Room, Faculty of Medicine, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
Adrien FAYON will defend his thesis on December 16, 2021, from 1:30 pm, in the Bagard room of the Faculty of Medicine (Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy).
His defense is entitled "New approaches to the design of a small-diameter vascular graft from fetal origin and preliminary evaluations in arterial bypass surgery in large animals".
The jury will be composed of :
- Thesis director - Patrick MENU - University of Lorraine.
- Examiner - Reine EL OMAR - University of Lorraine.
- Rapporteur - Laurence BORDENAVE - University of Bordeaux.
- Rapporteur - Nicolas BLANCHEMAIN - University of Lille.
- Examiner - Laure MAGNAN - Oxford Silk Phage.
- Examiner - Pablo MAUREIRA - CHRU de Nancy.
- Examiner - Philippe MENASCHE - Georges Pompidou European Hospital.
- Examiner - Caroline GAUCHER - University of Lorraine.