Univ Paris
Contact(s) :
sylvie.seguier [at] parisdescartes.fr
catherine.chaussain [at] u-paris.fr
Document(s) à télécharger :
Academic partners
UFR Odontologie & URP 2496 Laboratoires Pathologies, Imagerie et Biothérapies orofaciales (Montrouge)

The University of Paris (Montrouge) is recruiting a lecturer specialized in cell biology and physiology.

The recruited professor will be in charge of teaching the fundamental aspects of oral sciences (biology, histology, embryology, regenerative dentistry) to undergraduate and master students. He/she will develop his/her research activities in the "Pathology, Imaging and Orofacial Biotherapies" laboratory.

Teaching contact: Pr. Sylvie SEGUIER

Research contact: Pr Catherine CHAUSSAIN

The starting date is September 1st 2022.