Chaires Gutenberg
Document(s) à télécharger :
Grand Est Region

Following an initiative from the Cercle Gutenberg, the Region Grand Est has decided to fund Gutenberg Chairs to host, for approximately one year, highly-qualified research scientists of high international reputation. This is done in collaboration with the higher learning and research institutions located in Grand Est. All research fields are eligible.

The 60000 € grant is divided in two parts: 10000 € represent the Gutenberg Prize and are given personally to the awardee to facilitate his relocation and 50000 € are provided to the hostinstitution(s) and are entirely devoted to the research program of the grant holder, without any deduction by the host institution(s).

As this grant cannot cover the Chairholder's salary, the latter must be paid by his or her home institution for a sabbatical year, or by the host institution(s) according to the normal procedures for supporting professorships or research directorships, or by any other means (Foundation, etc.) that are compatible with the rules in force.

The awarding of a Gutenberg Chair is accompanied by the maintenance of the credits allocated by the institution to the visiting researcher and may be combined with any other aid scheme.

The jury that evaluates the Gutenberg Chairs is an international, multidisciplinary jury made up exclusively of recognized personalities from the research world.

Completed application forms must be sent to the Cercle Gutenberg by the heads of the institutions or teaching and research units concerned.

These completed applications must be sent to the Cercle Gutenberg (cercle.gutenberg [at] before May 18, 2021 for chairs that may be awarded during the 2021/2022 academic year.