The Gutenberg Chairs are a scheme set up by local authorities at the suggestion of the Cercle Gutenberg, to facilitate the hosting in our region, for a period of around one year, of international researchers invited by higher education and research establishments. All disciplines are eligible.
Holders of a Gutenberg Chair benefit from
- a €10,000 "Gutenberg Prize" personally awarded to them to help them settle in the region,
- a specific grant of €50,000 allocated to their host unit, to be used entirely for their research project.
Cette dotation ne pouvant couvrir le salaire du titulaire de la Chaire, ce dernier devra être rémunéré par ailleurs, par son établissement d’origine au titre d’une année sabbatique, ou par le ou les établissement(s) d’accueil selon les procédures normales utilisant les supports de postes de professeurs ou de directeurs de recherche ou enfin par toute autre moyen (Fondation, …) compatible avec les règles en vigueur.
The award of a Gutenberg Chair is accompanied by the maintenance of the credits allocated by the institution to the visiting researcher, and may be combined with any other aid scheme.
Candidates will be presented to the jury by the heads of the institutions or teaching and research units concerned.
The jury awarding the Gutenberg Chairs is a multidisciplinary international panel made up exclusively of leading figures from the world of research.
The application must be completed by the candidate and his or her host laboratory, preferably in English, but certain sections must be completed in French.
The application form must be sent in both Word and pdf format by e-mail before May 15, 2024 at 6 p.m. to cercle [point] gutenberg [arobase] free [point] fr.
dino [point] moras [arobase] unistra [point] fr.