Chaire Gutenberg
Document(s) à télécharger :
Grand Est Region

The Gutenberg Chairs are a program set up by local authorities at the suggestion of the Gutenberg Circle, to facilitate the hosting in our region, for a period of approximately one year, of international researchers invited by higher education and research institutions. All disciplinary fields are eligible.

The holders of a Gutenberg Chair receive

a €10,000 "Gutenberg Prize" awarded to them personally to facilitate their installation in the region
a specific financial allocation of €50,000 to their host unit, which is used entirely for their research project.
As this endowment cannot cover the salary of the Chairholder, the latter will have to be remunerated by his or her home institution for a sabbatical year, or by the host institution(s) according to the normal procedures for supporting professorships or research directorships, or by any other means (Foundation, etc.) compatible with the rules in force.

The awarding of a Gutenberg Chair is accompanied by the maintenance of the credits allocated by the institution to the visiting researcher and may be combined with any other aid scheme.

Applications will be presented to the jury by the heads of the institutions or teaching and research units concerned.

The jury that awards the Gutenberg Chairs is a multidisciplinary international jury made up exclusively of from the world of research.

The completed application forms should be sent both :

  • in Word format by e-mail before Monday, May 15, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. to: cercle [point] gutenberg [arobase] free [point] fr
  • by post: one copy with original signatures and stamps sent by May 22, 2023 at the latest (as per postmark) to Dino Moras, IGBMC, 1 rue Laurent Fries, BP 10 142, 67 404 Illkirch Cedex, France.