Offre d'emploi
Contact(s) :
martin.dutertre [at]
Partenaires académiques
Institut Curie Research Center, INSERM U1278, Orsay (Paris Saclay University Campus)

The Institut Curie Research Center is offering a 3-year postdoctoral position. The project focuses on alternative splicing, microproteins and cancer.

The host laboratory (Inserm U1278, " Biologie de l'ARN, signalisation et cancer " , ) is interested in the role of RNA processes ( eg , alternative splicing, polyadenylation, translation) and RNA-binding proteins in cellular response/resistance to genotoxic and other anticancer agents (Cerezo et al. , Nat Med 2018; Shen et al., Nat Commun 2019; Tanaka et al., Nucl Acids Res 2020; Dutertre et al., TIBS 2021; Fabbri et al., Nat Rev Cancer 2021; Chakraborty et al., Genome Res 2022; Sfaxi et al., EMBO J 2023). The team comprises 4 permanent researchers, 6 engineers, 2 post-docs and 5 PhD students, and is part of the "Intégrité du génome, ARN et cancer" unit (UMR-3348 CNRS).

The postdoctoral fellow hired will work on an INCa-funded project linking alternative splicing, microproteins and cancer.

More details, including how to apply for this offer, are available in the job description.